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Events at Kabe Beach

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Events at other restaurants

Põhjala Tap Room - Tallinn
Põhjala Tap Room
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Brewery Tours - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

The tour includes a ca 45-minute stroll through production with information about beer making and...

Põhjala Tap Room - Tallinn
Põhjala Tap Room
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Brewery Tours - Weekend

The tour includes a ca 45-minute stroll through production with information about beer making and...

Other restaurants in the same area

Mantel & Korsten – lovely restaurant in a green wooden house that has red roof and mantel chimney. The restaurant got its name after the beautiful mantel chimney that is actually the only one in...

Tuljak, a reborn legend. This is where history meets contemporary design. This is where we let our passions run free. Through and through sophisticated, with copper accents. Like tuljak’s fiery...

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